Carrie Du Bois asked me to post the following:
The aspirations of foster youth are high: 70% plan to attend college. Yet, outcomes are grim: 50% are held back in school, 46% do not complete high school and only 3% go on to college. Foster youth move throughout our county and attend our schools. As a community are we doing enough to help them?
Please attend a community schools conversation about this subject on Monday, June 1st at 7:00 pm. Hillsdale High School Auditorium located at 3115 Del Monte Street, San Mateo. RSVP Speakers include Human Services Agency, Advocates for Children, Help One Child and a panel of youth who will share their stories. This event is endorsed by the California 17th District PTA.
We are hoping that every school district in San Mateo County will be represented at this meeting.
For more information Contact Carrie Du Bois