Many of you have already heard this, and more will soon, but Steve Mitrovich announced his retirement today.
This was a difficult decision for him, and one influenced in large part by personal considerations. Here’s the text of the email he circulated:
Dear Staff, Parents, and Friends,
This is an incredibly difficult announcement to make, but after 34 years as a public educator it is time for me to retire. Last night the Board of Trustees graciously accepted my resignation, and I will be leaving the district at the end of July. While I will miss so much about this terrific school district and community, it is gratifying to know that even in these difficult times, there is much to look forward to and appreciate.
The passage of Measure B was of the highest importance. It will help our schools weather the awful budget that resulted from a nearly dysfunctional state government and a generational recession. The community support for this measure is a shining example of what sets San Carlos apart from so many other places.
The other good story is that I leave behind an incredible staff.
Kelly Price, Dr. Tom Green, all of the principals, other administrators, support staff, and teachers care deeply about the education and well being of the children in our schools. They are highly capable, hard working, and a tremendous team that I have been proud to lead.
I am convinced that there is a no better parent community anywhere. Both the dedication to all of our children and knowing what it means to be a true community is very uncommon. Whoever follows me in this position will face the very tough challenges that any California school superintendent faces, but this is a great opportunity and environment in which to lead.
It was not my plan to retire this soon, but I have faith that you know me well enough to understand that this is a decision I made after much thought and reflection. I plan to do consulting in the future and possibly lend some part-time assistance to districts and schools that might need me. I look forward to having more time with my family and maybe get in a little fly fishing.
Regards and best wishes,
Steve Mitrovich
I wish him all the best, and thank him, both as a trustee and as an individual, for all he brought to the District. Not the least of which was an appreciation for the value of reflecting and thinking before acting.
He will be missed.
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