I was pleased to learn last night that the District’s maintenance team is assessing the condition of Heather’s field. That’s important for figuring out what kind of maintenance the District should do now that the City is going to let its use agreement for the field expire.
it’s also important for determining whether or not the District is satisfied with the job the City’s been doing maintaining the field. Under the current use agreement (which expires at the end of June) the City gets to use it for community athletics in exchange for maintaining it.
I’ve had my doubts over the years as to how well the quid matched the quo. I’ve yet to find (in admittedly unscientific surveys) a gopher hole on any City-owned field. But there sure are a lot of them at Heather. Maybe they all just like the view up there (it can be pretty spectacular).
In any event, I’m glad we’ll be getting some real data and expert input on conditions at Heather Field, and recommendations on what we should do.