The Elections Office has an explanation for the apparent undercount in precinct 3626 which I wrote about in an earlier post.
Apparently, they merged two precincts — 3626 and 3631 — into one “temporary” precinct for this particular election. Precinct 3631 is part of the Belmont – Redwood Shores School District. Voters from 3631 would, of course, not be eligible to vote on Measure S.
Unfortunately, they opted to rename the combined precinct…3626. Which, as I pointed out to them in an email, is a foolish thing to do, as it throws away valuable information (i.e., where the votes are coming from) and creates unnecessary confusion.
FYI, before accepting this explanation I verified it through a third party. That’s because the first two explanations I got back from the Elections Office were obviously incorrect.
Still no word on the other oddities that I described.