Category Archives: money

Enrollment and Charters

I’m seeing questions about why the District serves so many out-of-district charter students if space is so tight at our schools. Here’s the explanation. The primary reason San Carlos adopted the charter school model years ago was financial: the State … Continue reading

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Response to Crisis: Initial Discussion

Last night staff presented its initial analysis of the cost reduction and revenue enhancement opportunities developed in the Board’s December brainstorming session. Many members of the public and the teaching staff attended the meeting, which was held in the Central … Continue reading

Posted in budget, capacity, city, contract, crisis, enrollment, money, parcel tax, teachers, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Programs at Risk: Take 1

I haven’t gotten the materials to be presented by staff at next Tuesday’s Board meeting on addressing the fiscal crisis yet. But I do have the original list of programs and activities staff suggested be evaluated a few weeks ago.

Posted in budget, contract, crisis, money, parcel tax | 2 Comments

Addressing the Budget Crisis

Next Tuesday, January 20th, staff will begin its presentation on the cost saving and educational impact of various alternative budget cuts and revenue enhancement opportunities. I’ll post more information on what will be evaluated over the next few days. This … Continue reading

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Op Ed Piece on the County Pool Fund

The title pretty much says it all. You can find the article I wrote (which was published in the San Mateo Daily Journal) here.

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Fallout from the National Financial Crisis

Some school years we experience State fiscal crises, some school years we experience national fiscal crises. And then there are years like 2008-2009 when we get to experience both. It looks like the Wall Street meltdown will hit our District … Continue reading

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Parcel Tax Authorized for November Ballot

Last Monday, the Board voted unanimously to place a parcel tax on the November 2008 ballot. The measure would enhance and extend Measure D, the parcel tax previously approved by voters in June, 2003. The amount of the assessment would … Continue reading

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The Un-COLA*

* with apologies to 7-Up, and whoever owns the relevant intellectual property. There’s been a lot of talk lately about teacher compensation and cost of living adjustments (COLAs). I’d like to clarify a few misconceptions. When most people here the … Continue reading

Posted in budget, capacity, city, contract, enrollment, fields, money, teachers, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

A Word from the Guv’nor

Late last week Governor Schwarzenegger announced a revised budget proposal which, if adopted, would have a smaller negative impact on education funding. It would still put a crimp in the District’s budget, though, because there would be no cost of … Continue reading

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Teacher Anger

At last night’s Board meeting there were about 15 – 20 teachers who showed up to criticize the District and Board for not reaching a salary settlement this year. Several of them spoke passionately about how they believed this state … Continue reading

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